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Plugins in Goose

Goose's functionality is extended via plugins. These plugins fall into three main categories:

  1. Toolkits:
    • Provides Goose with tools (functions) it can call and optionally will load additional context into the system prompt (such as 'The Github CLI is called via gh and you should use it to run git commands').
    • Toolkits can do basically anything, from calling external APIs, to taking a screenshot of your screen, to summarizing your current project.
  2. CLI commands:
    • Provides additional commands to the Goose CLI.
    • These commands can be used to interact with the Goose system, such as listing available toolkits or summarizing a session.
  3. Providers:
    • Provides Goose with access to external LLMs.
    • For example, the OpenAI provider allows Goose to interact with the OpenAI API.
    • Most providers for Goose are defined in the Exchange library.